Michigan’s Backyard

Visit the Gladwin County Small Shop Trail, twelve local artisans in their home workshops, where you will experience the wonder of hand crafted pottery, custom painted art pieces, home brewed hard cider in numerous flavors to suit your taste, and a garden more beautiful than could be portrayed in a novel. Michigan’s Backyard Artisans have the unique items for your special gift or memory of your visit.
For nearly 40 years Gail Wildfong School of Dance has entertained Gladwin County with their artistic annual recitals, competitive dance teams and college bound dancers. The love of music starts in our local schools with our talented choral directors mentoring each new class of talent. These gifted youth perform in New York City, garner scholarships to universities, and entertain our community at numerous events. Michigan’s Backyard Grows Talent.
The Gladwin Area Friends of the Theatre (GAFT) has performed live community theatre in Gladwin County since 1979. GAFT performs five productions each season with the highlight being the Summer Musical during the second week of July. The local high schools have strong theatre programs with madrigal dinners, plays and musicals annually.

The Gladwin Area Artists Guild is a group of artists who share their art with the community at adjudicated art shows throughout the year. Art replicates and enhances the beauty of Michigan’s Backyard.

Michigan's Backyard
608 W Cedar Ave
Gladwin, MI 48624